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.highlite-word-colour1 {
 color: green;
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/*positions the rext on the image*/
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/* Responsive design: Adjusts for smaller screens */
/* Responsive design for smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 768px) {
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   <!-- Example Code -->
   <div id="carouselExample" class="carousel slide" data-bs-ride="carousel">
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           <img src="https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53773606055_d4dc5a5b92_w.jpg" alt="CABC ClubHouse" class="d-block w-100" alt="Slide 1">
             <div class="carousel-caption d-md-block">
               <h5>Cold Ashby Bowls Club</h5>
                 <p>Some representative placeholder content for the first slide.</p>
         <div class="carousel-item">
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          <img src="https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53893850087_251be76c54_w.jpg" alt="View over Cricket Ground" class="d-block w-100" alt="Slide 2">
             <div class="carousel-caption d-md-block">
                 <p>Some representative placeholder content for the second slide.</p>
         <div class="carousel-item">
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           <img src="https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53897189789_8f9ce6a3a9_w.jpg"
          class= "d-block w-100" alt="Slide 3">
             <div class="carousel-caption d-md-block">
                 <h5>Third Slide Label</h5>
                 <p>Some representative placeholder content for the third slide.</p>
     <button class="carousel-control-prev" type="button" data-bs-target="#carouselExample" data-bs-slide="prev">
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       <div class="header ">
         <span class="highlite-word-colour"> Get </span><span class="highlite-word-colour1"> Active, </span><span class="highlite-word-colour"> Have </span><span class="highlite-word-colour1"> Fun, </span><span class="highlite-word-colour"> Play </span><span class="highlite-word-colour1"> Bowls </span>
             <!-- Column 1 -->
   <div class="container">
     <div class="text-column">
                   <p3>We truly believe that Lawn Bowls is the sport for all.
                   We strongly believe everyone should be able to access and enjoy our sport regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, background, or circumstances.
                   At Cold Ashby Bowls Club we are committed to embedding inclusive practice and are passionate that we are stronger together when trying to achieve this aim.
                   Never tried lawn bowls before- then come along and let us show you what a wonderful game it is.
                    All we ask is that you turn up in a pair of flat bottom light shoes to protect our green.
                    We will supply everything else.
                   <h1> Yes bowling is our passion</h1>
             <!-- Column 2 -->
             <div class="image-column">      Â
<img src="https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53773606055_d4dc5a5b92_w.jpg" width="400" height="300" alt="CABC ClubHouse"/>
               <!-- Column 1 -->
   <div class="container">
     <div class="text-column">
         Cold Ashby Bowls Club is set in the North Northamptonshire country side in the village of Cold Ashby.
         Set next to the cricket ground and adjacent to the golf club it is surrounded by open countryside.
         The club has onsite parking for over 40cars.
         The club has a very active calendar of seasonal interclub bowling competitions for those who have a competitive spirit and for others a laid-back opportunity
         to play informally on one of the best kept bowling greens in the county.
         New members, playing or experienced and visitors made very welcome.
         Make new friends with an active calendar throughout the year. <br>
             <!-- Column 2 -->
             <div class="image-column">      Â
<img src="https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53893850087_251be76c54_w.jpg">
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     <div class="text-column">
   <span style="color: blue;font-style: italic; font-size: 1.75rem;font-weight: 600;"> Why Play Bowls.</span></h1>
     <span style="color: red;font-size: 1.5rem; font-weight: 600;">To improve concentration</span>
     <span style="color: green;font-size: 1.5rem;font-weight: 600;"> Be more alert .</span>
     <span style="font-size: 1.5rem;color: red; font-weight: 600;"> Get better balance </span>
     <span style="color: green;font-size: 1.5rem;font-weight: 600;">Be more flexible </span>Â
     <span style="font-size: 1.5rem;color: red; font-weight: 600;">Reduce the risk of heart disease</span>
     <span style="color: green;font-size: 1.5rem;font-weight: 600;">Reduce the risk of heart disease</span>Â
     <span style="font-size: 1.5rem;color: red; font-weight: 600;"> Reduce stress </span>Â
     <span style="color: green;font-size: 1.5rem;font-weight: 600;"> Burn calories – lose weight </span> Â
             <!-- Column 2 -->
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<img src="https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53897189789_8f9ce6a3a9_w.jpg" >
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